Many men are interested in how to effectively and quickly treat prostatitis at home.
It is no secret that representatives of the stronger sex avoid communicating with doctors, therefore, the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies does not cease to be a relevant topic.
It turns out that you can solve such a delicate problem on your own, without calling for help from surgeons and pharmacists.

The experience of many people demonstrates that getting rid of annoying symptoms and curing prostatitis on their own is quite real. Of course, first you need a consultation with a urologist, and in the future - a competent approach.
Home treatment
Unfortunately, men often hesitate and postpone a visit to a specialist until the last. The disease at this time becomes neglected or chronic.
Needless to say, how dangerous such frivolity is for health? Hurry up for an appointment if you are worried about the first signs of prostatitis:
- a feeling of discomfort in the groin area;
- painful, difficult urination;
- weakening of erection, decreased potency, premature ejaculation;
- rapid fatigability, increased nervousness.
TOP most effective means
Healing herbs
How to treat prostatitis with plants if the disease is at an early stage or has passed into remission?

- Parsley.All parts of the plant are used - roots, seeds, and leaves. From seeds and roots, you can prepare a simple tincture, just pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with 100 ml of boiling water. The infusion is prepared within 24 hours. As for the leaves, they are used to make medicinal juice (it is recommended to drink it fresh).
- Sagebrush.With inflammation of the prostate in the perineum and genitals, painful sensations often appear. You can relieve pain syndrome by eating a little dry wormwood and drinking it with water. It is necessary to use the herb every 2-3 hours, the food intake does not matter. This "bitter" therapy is effective in the first two days of exacerbation. Then the patient can prepare a decoction from a mixture of wormwood and thyme (1 part wormwood to 4 parts thyme). One tablespoon of the mixture will need 250 ml of water. The ready-made broth is drunk for a month, 20 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.
- Celandine.Please note that you only need one drop of juice, which must be diluted in a glass of warm water. The initial dosage is 10 drops (taken orally), every day the dose should be increased by 1 drop. The maximum dosage is 40 drops, having reached this amount, a man can continue treatment for another 14 days without exceeding the dose. Another popular recipe is microclysters from celandine: 1 tablespoon of dry leaves must be poured with 2 glasses of water and boiled. Then the solution must be cooled to room temperature and cleaning procedures must be carried out.
- Tincture from the mixture. . . You should take equal parts of the mountaineer, hazel leaves, horsetail, chamomile and wormwood flowers and pour boiling water. It only takes a couple of hours to prepare the tincture. Tinctures are usually drunk half an hour before meals three times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.
Pumpkin seeds
Vitamins, micro- and macroelements will strengthen the male body, prevent the development of the disease and contribute to a quick recovery with the development of prostatitis.

This traditional medicine helps to stop inflammation in the prostate, relieves the urinary system from congestion and removes excess urine from the bladder. The seeds prevent the development of the chronic form of the disease.
Ease of use is one of the benefits of pumpkin seeds. Only 30-40 pieces per day will be an excellent prevention of diseases of the male genitourinary system.
Several recipes have been created with the help of which men treat prostatitis:
- Pumpkin honey balls. . . You need to take a kilogram of pumpkin seed and twist it in a meat grinder, then mix the ground seeds with honey (you need 2 glasses). The resulting mixture must be left in the refrigerator for 2 hours. The chilled mixture of honey and pumpkin seeds can be formed into small balls (about 1. 5 cm in diameter) and left in the cold. A delicious folk remedy for prostatitis is used as a sweet, with the only difference that the ball must be eaten half an hour before meals. As a rule, the course of treatment takes place once a year for a month.
- Pumpkin powder. . . Pumpkin seeds should be dried and ground to a flour condition using a blender or coffee grinder. Then take the powder 2 times a day with plenty of water. It is recommended to carry out a course of therapy every six months for a month.
Please do not forget: the seeds must be unpeeled, this will help preserve the maximum amount of nutrients.
Connoisseurs of home medicine consider onions and their husks to be one of the best folk remedies for prostatitis. You can improve the condition of the prostate gland in many "onion" ways.

- Male reproductive organs will be grateful if a man eats a small head of onion together with feathers every day.
- You can also make a decoction of washed onion skins. The husks must be boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then left to infuse. Then you need to strain the broth and drink 1 tablespoon three times a day for a month.
- Only three small bulbs will be a salvation in the development of acute inflammation of the prostate. It is enough to grate the onion on a fine grater and pour three glasses of boiling water, and then let it brew for 24 hours. Onion tincture is recommended to be taken every hour, 50 ml.
- Do not forget about onion seeds: they are very effective in treating the prostate gland. Ripe seeds are dried, ground, mixed with honey (1: 1) and refrigerated. The medicinal mixture is advised to be taken after meals three times a day, 1 teaspoon.
- At the end of the day, you can drink freshly squeezed onion juice with honey - this is a real "bomb" of active ingredients.
This organic product has been used for a long time to get rid of prostatitis. Its advantages are as follows:
- reduction (and in the future - complete disappearance) of inflammation;
- dullness of pain in the pelvic area;
- improving the condition of the genitourinary system.

The most famous way to use mummy is to take 0. 2 g of the product twice a day with juice (for example, sea buckthorn, carrot or blueberry).
After 10 days, the dose is increased to 0. 4 g, and after the next 10 days, the dosage becomes 0. 6 g (administration lasts another 10 days).
This is followed by a seven-day break and a new month-long course of treatment.
Honey and beekeeping products
It is easy to cure a prostate with honey if a man is not allergic to the fruits of bee labor. You should not expect quick results from honey therapy, but such treatment will definitely benefit the body.

Honey is a unique gift of nature that strengthens and heals the human body. For this reason, honey is a part of many tinctures and decoctions; it can be found in almost every second folk remedy for treating prostatitis in men.
Propolis tincture is widely known among the people, it is also used for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. It is not difficult to prepare a tincture: you need to grind 100 g of propolis on a grater and mix with 200 ml of alcohol (96%).
The mixture is placed in a glass jar for a week, which must be shaken periodically. When the tincture is ready, it is filtered and left in the refrigerator. The product should be consumed in 1 tablespoon approximately 2 hours before bedtime.
One should not forget about pollen, because it is a source of many vitamins and minerals that a man needs. The use of pollen does not require the invention of any special recipes.
It is enough to eat 1-2 teaspoons of the product three times a day, and the tension in the perineum will decrease. Pollen also improves blood circulation in the gland and normalizes sexual activity. Regular use of pollen serves to prevent recurrence of the disease.
Even the bodies of dead bees (the so-called bee podmore) are used in the treatment of the prostate gland. Podmore is a part of many powders, ointments, tinctures and decoctions. Recipes are available to everyone. An excellent stew against prostatitis is obtained from the beesworm: 100 g of the product is poured with boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. The steamed podmor needs to be cooled a little, and then squeezed out and applied to the sore area like a compress.
Perga, i. e. bee bread, strengthens potency and prevents the development of the inflammatory process. Perga treatment lasts 2-3 months (the patient takes 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach), then a month break and a repetition of the course is needed.
Homemade rectal remedies
At home, every man can make rectal suppositories, with the help of which it will be possible to cure the prostate. Typically, suppositories are an adjunct to mainstream therapy.
They fight inflammation in the prostate gland, have an analgesic effect and help restore the affected organ.

How are candles made?
- A small piece of propolis (about 7-8 g) must be frozen in order to grind it later.
- 20 g of cocoa butter is melted in a water bath and mixed with crushed propolis.
- Further, from the resulting mixture, they make compact candles 1. 5-2 cm long, about 10-12 of them should turn out.
- The tool is applied rectally before bedtime for 2-3 months (with a one-month break between courses).
There is another recipe for making candles:
- It is necessary to take 100 ml of pumpkin oil and 100 ml of propolis extract, then place the products in a water bath until the alcohol evaporates.
- 5 ml of tea tree or fir oil is added to the melted mixture, and then candles are formed, which are also used before bedtime.
Clay therapy
In the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies, clay is used in the form of applications on the diseased area. Healing clay is sold in any pharmacy, usually it is diluted with water to the consistency of very thick sour cream.

- For the compress, you need a linen or cotton cloth, into which a clay cake is placed.
- The applique should cover the lower abdomen, perineum, base of the scrotum and the anus, and a woolen shawl is required to keep warm.
- The compress should be kept on the body for about two hours, and it is best to spend this time under the covers.
- After using the clay, wash with warm water and dry thoroughly.
Keep in mind that prostate pain may worsen during the procedure, but don't worry. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine claim that this is just a side effect of the active restoration of damaged cells.
Coniferous baths
Inflammation of the prostate gland is associated with the development of a bacterial infection, and hot pine baths have a remarkable antimicrobial effect. They can also:
- eliminate pain and relieve inflammation;
- restore the secretion of the gland;
- improve urine flow.
Coniferous concentrate is prepared as follows: 200 g of pine, spruce or cedar branches are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and simmer for 2-3 hours over low heat. Most of the water evaporates and the broth becomes an extract.

Compotes and juices
For many diseases, an abundant drink is recommended, and with inflammation of the prostate gland, a large amount of fluid activates blood flow and lymph circulation.
An adult man should drink 2. 3 to 3 liters of liquid during the day.
It is better to give preference to unsweetened compote, natural juices, still drinking water and tea.

You can find packaged juices in every supermarket, but they are of no use, and they can harm a weakened body. Homemade juices are another matter.
They contain all the vitamins and minerals, they neutralize the negative factors that provoke the development of the disease, strengthen the immune system.
A man suffering from prostatitis should drink cucumber, beetroot, carrot, or asparagus juice. You can do some culinary creativity and invent your own fresh juice mix.
Juices from pumpkin, pomegranate, tomato and birch are considered useful, as well as compotes from dried fruits.
Folk remedies for prostatitis are popular, but pharmaceuticals offer many innovative drugs. Making the right decision is a smart, holistic approach.